Healing, Self Love and Memory

$ 779.00

This Power Piece includes White Tara for longevity, healing and strength on all levels; emotional, mental  spiritual and physical.

Also Saraswati pendant for genius, brilliance and vision; she invented language. In the Greek Tradition she is known as Mnemosyne, the Goddess of Memory - Helping us to remember, as there is great power in remembering. Remembering not only what is important to us, but also our "Cosmic Memory" accessing the magnificence of who we truly are, who we've always been. Mother to the 9 Muses, Mnemosyne is the goddess of Inspiration and Creativity.

Lakshmi Chi Charm for love, beauty, grace and abundance. Excellent for new homes or new business ventures.   

Worn on the 24" Fine Sailor Link which falls at the heart chakra for protection and opening of your beautiful heart, this Power Piece can also be wrapped to create a fabulous bracelet. 

Choose between the 3 carats Rose Quartz to optimize self-love, acceptance and harmony and boosting inner confidence or 3 carats Amethyst for clearer intuition,  connection to your higher self and freedom from addictions.

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